By Organization

Event Management Solutions for Individual Entrepreneurial Providers

Create extraordinary, stress-free events with CE Zoom! Our platform ensures every step of your event planning journey is taken care of so you can focus on delivering exceptional events that leave a lasting impact.

Who We’ve Worked With

Events Are Nearly Impossible for One Person

Organizing an event on your own comes with a unique set of challenges. With marketing, logistics, and execution, the workload can quickly become overwhelming. The struggle to manage everything efficiently can lead to burnout and poor event outcomes.

Manage and Execute an Event With Ease

Our event management software for individual entrepreneurial providers offers a comprehensive solution to these challenges. With intuitive tools and features, you can efficiently handle tasks like marketing, communication, and logistics, helping you create an extraordinary event for your attendees.

Simplified, Stress-Free Events

By working with CE Zoom, you’ll experience efficient event planning without the stress. From personalized marketing to streamlined check-in processes, our event management software seamlessly handles every aspect of your event.

See What People Are Saying

“My license was in New Mexico, we had three years where we had to hold onto those. Probably the second year in, my anxiety starts to kick in like, “Where are my papers? Do I have enough? What am I missing? Oh, my gosh! They’re going to tell me I can’t practice Dental Hygiene anymore.” So for me to just have the simplicity and ease of use, and to know that it’s there, and just keep track of it over time so that when the renewal comes up, it’s so much easier.”

Josalyn Sewell, RDHCOO - Carolinas Dentist

Drive More and Better Qualified Leads and Sales With CE Zoom

With CE Zoom, your event management becomes a powerful tool for driving leads and boosting sales. Our software easily integrates lead generation strategies, ensuring your events attract a broader audience and target people who are genuinely interested in your gatherings. By utilizing CE Zoom’s advanced analytics, you gain valuable insights into attendee preferences and behaviors, allowing you to refine your marketing approach for better-qualified leads.

Unparalleled Flexibility and Scalability

Our event management software adapts to the needs of your event, whether you’re hosting a small gathering or a large-scale conference. With various customizable features, you can tailor the software to match your needs and ensure a seamless fit for any event size or format. As your entrepreneurial endeavors grow, our solution grows with you, providing a long-term investment in the success of your events.

CEZoom Solutions

By Role

CE Zoom ensures seamless collaboration across various roles. Whether you’re an event organizer, marketer, or administrator, our solutions provide role-specific features to simplify tasks and maximize efficiency.

By Event Type

Our event management software for individual entrepreneurial providers adapts to the unique demands of different event types. From conferences, trade shows, workshops, and networking sessions, our platform provides the tools needed to create memorable experiences for organizers and attendees.

By Event Format

CE Zoom caters to several formats, like in-person, virtual, or hybrid gatherings. Experience the freedom to transition between event formats while maintaining consistent and reliable support throughout the entire event.

By Organizations

We understand that every organization has distinct needs, so our software offers scalability and customization. Whether you represent a corporate entity, non-profit organization, or educational institution, our platform provides a tailored approach to enhance your event management.

CEZoom Features

Explore the features below that make CE Zoom the ultimate solution for transforming your event management experience.


Exhibitor Management

Streamline booth assignments, track exhibitor details, and enhance communication to ensure a collaborative and successful partnership between organizers and exhibitors.


Create targeted campaigns, manage ad placements, and analyze performance metrics to ensure your promotional efforts attract the right audience to your event.


Easily manage sponsorship packages, track deliverables, and provide sponsors with real-time insights, fostering strong and mutually beneficial relationships.

Production and Streaming Services

From seamless live streaming to on-demand content delivery, our features ensure a professional and engaging virtual event experience for attendees worldwide.

AGD Pace Joint Program Provider

As an AGD Pace Joint Program Provider, our platform facilitates the accreditation process to ensure your continuing education programs meet the highest standards.

Course and Conference Scheduling

Effortlessly manage course and conference scheduling. Set agendas, allocate resources, and communicate schedule changes with ease! We help ensure a well-organized event itinerary.

Plan and Promote

With our event management software for entrepreneurial providers, you can unlock the power of personalized marketing campaigns tailored to your audience’s preferences. You can also create a solid online presence with fully branded websites that show the nature of your event and leave a lasting impression. Enjoy streamlined communication efforts with automated tools, letting you effortlessly deliver timely updates, pre-event information, and post-event follow-ups.

Engage and Delight Attendees

Create mobile event apps that enhance engagement and provide attendees with a user-friendly interface to access event details, schedules, and interactive features. Our platform also lets you streamline the on-site experience with efficient check-in and badging processes to ensure hassle-free entry for participants.

Impactful Results and Actionable Analytics Insights

Unlock powerful analytical data that offers a deeper understanding of your audience. Seamlessly integrate these insights with your project and task management solutions to ensure a cohesive and data-driven approach to event planning. Capture valuable information across the entire attendee journey, from registration to post-event feedback, to help you refine strategies and enhance experiences.

Take the Stress Out of Event Planning With CE Zoom

Use our event management software for individual entrepreneurial providers to unleash the potential of your events and create memorable experiences that leave a lasting impression. Contact us today to learn more!