When it comes to financial advice you may think you know what you need—chances are you’re wrong!
Dentists looking for financial guidance often think they know what they need when it comes to advise. On this episode of the Dentist Money™ Show, Ryan and Matt talk about four fundamentals dentists tend to overlook—but are the things they really need to hear.
The rudimentary basics for good financial planning start with these financial pillars. Building real wealth begins by establishing a solid foundation for your long-term financial plan, and that foundation should be based on these four financial principles.
Listen now to find out why good financial planning starts with four critical ingredients
This activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the standards of the Academy of General Dentistry Program Approval for Continuing Education (PACE) through the joint program provider approval of Zoom Education, LLC, and Dentist Advisors. Zoom Education, LLC is approved for awarding FAGD/MAGD credit.
Course Contact: jess.reynolds@dentistadvisors.com
Course Categories: Personal Self-Improvement (Motivation, Success Training, Personal Development & Management),Practice Finance
Provider Approval: Nationally Recognized (AGD-PACE) Academy of General Dentistry Program approval for Continuing Education
Educational Type: Self Study
Educational Method: Electronically mediated with a testing mechanism (internet, one-way & two-way transmissions through open broadcast, closed circuit, cable, microwave, broadband lines, fiber optics, satellite, or wireless communications devices)
Prerequisites : None
Sponsor(s) : Dentist Advisors
Conflict of Interest Disclosure: Affiliated and/or Associated with Ryan Isaac and Matt Mulcock are both employees of Dentist Advisors.
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Self Study - On Demand