Course Description
Do your patients have the guts to douse the flames of inflammation? Our patient’s gut flora make very powerful anti-inflammatory agents when fed key nutrients. Learn what impacts gut integrity: antibiotics, jet lag, fast food, artificial sweeteners…………… and what we dental pros can do! The latest science from the National Institute of Health shows the microbiome impacts overall health as much as our genes. Attend this insightful session and enjoy a novel path to lower patients’ inflammatory burden.
Learning Objectives:
•Gain insight into the science of the human microbiome.
•Learn why new findings about gut flora are shaking the foundation of healthcare and nutrition.
•Understand why the dental professional is perfectly positioned to help people live more vibrant lives
•Discover the foundational role of your patient’s gut integrity and inflammation.
About the Speaker: Dr. Odiatu is the author of “The Miracle of Health”, an NSCA Certified Personal Trainer, a professional member of the American College of Sports Medicine and a practicing dentist in Ontario, Canada.
Course Contact: Cynthia.Sensabaugh@Philips.com
Course Categories: Diet and Nutrition (Dental Effects and Nutritional Counseling of the Patient)
Provider Approval: Nationally Recognized (AGD-PACE) Academy of General Dentistry Program approval for Continuing Education
Educational Type: Self Study
Educational Method: Electronically mediated with a testing mechanism (internet, one-way & two-way transmissions through open broadcast, closed circuit, cable, microwave, broadband lines, fiber optics, satellite, or wireless communications devices)
Prerequisites : None
Sponsor(s) : Philips Oral Healthcare
Conflict of Interest Disclosure: Affiliated and/or Associated with Dr. Uche Odiatu is a consultant to Philips Oral Healthcare.
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Date / Time
Self Study - On Demand