Recent trends in oral cancer have heightened the importance of a proper oral cancer
screening protocol for all medical and dental professionals. Oral Cancer has risen each of
the past eight years, and the deforming disease is now affecting patients with no traditional
risk factors. Due to a 225% increase in HPV related oropharyngeal cancers, oral cancer is
occurring in younger populations, changing the perception of who to screen.
With the need for a new oral cancer screening protocol, adjunctive screening options will
be covered in detail. This course will introduce recent and emerging technologies for early
discovery of oral cancer, including fluorescence technology and quantitative cytology along
with the importance of proper implementation. Clinical examples of these procedures will
also be provided.
As cancer therapies continue to evolve, two main side effects from most cancer treatments
are xerostomia and mucositis, two oral health concerns. Common side effects and
treatment options will be covered for the everyday oncology patient.
• Cancer Overview
• Oral Cancer Education – critical statistics that every dental professional should
• Alarming trends in oral cancer that will change your perception on who to screen.
• Role of medical or dental health provider in oral cancer diagnosis
• How to perform a comprehensive extra-oral and intraoral examination.
• Importance of Patient Communication
• Adjunctive technologies for early discovery of oral cancer
• How to properly use adjunctive technologies for oral cancer screening
• Compare the value of adjunctive screening methods to compliment a clinical white
light examination.
• Successful implementation of adjunctive devices
o How to get paid regardless of insurance coverage
o Appropriate follow-up protocols
• Maintaining oral health for the oncology patient
o Identifying xerostomia and mucositis from cancer therapies
o Recommending options to mitigate xerostomia and mucositis
• Understand Oral Cancer rates and risk factors
• Understand the role of HPV in Oral Cancer
• Learn proper Oral Cancer Screening protocols
• How to properly communicate with your patients
• How to incorporate adjunctive technologies for oral cancer screening
• Interpretation of oral cancer screening with adjunctive technologies
• Xerostomia and Mucositis side effects from cancer therapies
• Options to mitigate common side effects from cancer treatment
Course Contact: ghdhspresident@gmail.com
Course Categories: Oral Pathology (Diagnosis and Treatment of Oral Pathosis, HPV/ Herpes Virus, Oral Cancer, Sexually Transmitted Infections)
Provider Approval: Associated, affiliated, sponsored, approved, accredited, or offered by the (ADHA) American Dental Hygienists' Association
Educational Type: Live
Educational Method: Lecture
Prerequisites : None
Sponsor(s): None
Conflict of Interest Disclosure: None
All CE Zoom related support: support.cezoom.com
Date / Time
Tue, Dec 3, 2019: 06:30 PM - 09:00 PM CT
3303 Main St.
Houston, TX
Free for members. $25.00 for non-members